Sunday 8 May 2016

Maus de Salas, Galicia

A beautiful drive south into the mountains of Ourense and the border country near Portugal brings us to a couple of dolmens located near the dam on the western side of the Encoro de Salas.
The first one is located at the south end of the dam is known as Casola do Foxo.

The second one at the northern end of the dam is known as Casiña da Moura,

Thursday 7 January 2016

Axeitos, Galicia

The Dolmen de Axeito was one of the easier dolmens to find on the tour of Galicia, being signposted from Colexio, not far south of Castro de Baroña.

Tuesday 29 September 2015

Baroña, Galicia

A slight deviation from the usual stone circles and dolmens featuring on A Megalith Tour, Castro de Baroña is an old settlement and fort on the Atlantic coast of the province of A Coruña which was inhabited over a couple of centuries before being abandoned almost two thousand years ago.

Berdoias, Galicia

Last dolmen of the day, Casota de freans, was found at the end of a track leading out of nearby Berdoias.

Wednesday 8 July 2015

Regoelle, Galicia

My second stop on the Ruta de los Dolmenes  was ten minutes south of Baíñas and just east of the village of Regoelle where I found the dolmen known as Pedra da Arca, also dated to 3000-4000BC

Serramo, Galicia

A trip to Spain this summer had to involve a few megaliths along the way! Northwest of Santiago de Compostela in Galicia is the Ruta de los Dolmenes which takes you on a tour of the local megaliths, a few of which I visited.
A five minute drive from Baíñas brings you to the village of Serramo and another five minutes takes you into a forest of eucalypts. A signposted trail through the trees leads to the first dolmen of the day, known as Arca da Piosa and dating to 3000-4000 BC.